Unit 1 - E-Twinning presentation script.

This is the video we did last year for our E-Twinning friends.

Here is the script for the presentation, in case you need some ideas.

"[All] Hello!, we are the 6th grade!
[Group a] We are Alba, Oscar, Pablo, Luis and Elena. We like English very much. Our favourite subject is music!.
[Group b] We are Sara, Monste, Susana, José and Jaime. We like sports, video-games and the internet. Our favourite subject is English!.
[Group c] We are Manuel, Tomás, Sokaina, María and Carmen. We like to spend time with our families, read and play board games. We like all subjects!.
[Group d] We are Fuente, Hamza, José Manuel, Kevin and Rafael. We play music on the school radio!. Our favourite subjects are Music and Arts.
[Group e] We are Diana, Enrique, Marcos, Fernando and Carmen. We like to play football and our favourite subject is physical education."

I look forward to see what you want to say!. If you have any doubts you can comment with the box below, as we explained in class.
