
Showing posts from April, 2017

Unit 9 - Table of values and prices for our game!.

Good afternoon! After reading our E-Twinning friends' email we've come up with the final table for the game. Here it is: Object Price Value Description Compulsory Tires 40 1 You need 3 to build a room! Yes Mortar 10 1 You need 3 to build a room! Yes Beams 20 1 You need 2 to build a room! Yes Roof 60 1 You need 1 to build a room! Yes Toilet 200 10 You need 1 to build your house! Yes Kitchen 400 20 You need 1 to build your house! Yes Recycling water system 200 30 You need 1 to build your house! Yes Solar batteries 300 40 You need 1 to build your house! Yes Glass ceiling 60 10 A glass ceiling for your house. No Indoor garden 100 70 You need a recycling water system and a glass ceiling. No Living room furniture 200 100 Nice, made from bamboo wood. No ...

Unit 9 - Living in an Earthship song

Good afternoon! These are the lyrics for the song we did today. I didn't have time to add your second verse. Can you remind it to me?. Living in an Earthship We're filling tires with ground and sand. We're doing some excavation work. We're preparing our indoor garden and everything is on track!. (Chorus) We are living in an Earthship. It is our home, we built it ourselves!. We are living in an Earthship. Why don't you come and take a look around?

Unit 9 - Museum of science

Good afternoon! First off, our riddle this morning... I am red and almost round I inspired the reason why you don't fly about You can smell me, draw me and clean me But you will want to eat me!. After the visit I think we all can agree... an apple !. As for the visit, I am glad you enjoyed it. There has been a lot of science this morning but we can always put a bit of English in anything, can't we?.

Unit 9 - Hints for our games and preparing the outing

Good afternoon! With our practice here we also went over some hints for our final task game . I would like to review them with you: During these days we are going to investigate Earthships and find out what kind of materials we need. With these materials we will make cards. Remember than in our game each material has a price and also a value, which are different things! Feel free to come up with your own materials and furniture for your games. Remember that our E-Twinning friends may give you some cool ideas too! Finally, it is very important that you remember the activity we will be doing next session!. During our visit to the Science Museum I want you to answer these questions in English! What are the three states of water? What are three ways of recycling residue? What is the name of the force that makes a compass work? Also, during the visit we will also do a small treasure hunt. I will tell you about it next session!.

Unit 9 - Building an Earthship!.

Good afternoon! Today we learnt about how to build an Earthship. They are very different from our homes, right? I would like to try living in one. Here is the text we read and the questions . Below you will also find the interview with Mairi. Remember to study the new vocabulary! An Earthship is a house made with natural and recycled materials. Earthships are designed with energy conservation in mind and produce water and electricity for its owners. Earthships can adapt to different climates and they are built all around the world!. Walls of an Earthship are made of recycled tires like the ones in your car. Tires are filled with earth and then used to build thick walls. These walls help keep the house fresh in the summer and warm during winters. An Earthship does not need external support to work. It uses all resources of its surroundings!. Windows are placed so that sunlight heats the house. Electricity is generated by solar panels. The roof collects and filters rainw...

Unit 9 - Prepositions of time and present continuous.

Good afternoon! Today we practised a bit of talking about time. I would like to remind you of the two things we did: First there were these prepositions of time: And then we worked in the present continuous . It is very easy!. We use "to be" and "-ing": These are very important parts of English!. With them you can say a lot of things!.

Unit 9 - Mairi's new home

Good afternoon! Welcome to the third term!. Are you excited about these last units?. I sure am!. This unit is one of my favourite topics. Today we were talking about ecology and eco-friendly houses and listened to the beginning of the story of Mairi. Here is the text we listened to, complete with pictures!. I also included a few questions so you can review the contents and study the new vocabulary. This is Mairi, she's a Scottish girl. Her name sounds like Mary but it is actually spelled M.A.I.R.I, which is actually the Scottish form of Mary. Mairi and her family live in Glasgow, Scotland, where she goes to school. Unfortunately Glasgow is one of the most polluted cities in the U.K. so the family is moving out for health reasons. They have been looking for locations during the last year. Last week they made their choice and this summer they will be moving into Andalusia!. They have chosen a place in Sierra de Huelva. They chose it because the air is c...

Unit 8 - Your expositions.

Good afternoon! I wanted to tell you again what a good job you made on your presentations!. I didn't expect you to come with Yoshiro Kimura's game!. Don't you think most jobs should be about making people happy?