Unit 4 - About bad lyrics.

Good afternoon!

Today we had a very interesting class, didn't we? I think we all learned a lot and maybe we will grow up a bit as a result.

If you want to review the text we read, here it is. Don't forget to answer the questions in the end. There are two groups of questions, one for you and other for your family!

Do you think the things your parents say are important to you?. What about your friends?. And your teachers?. Sure you pay attention to them when they speak to you but... do you pay attention to what music is saying?.

Maybe you don't know but many famous songs actually deal with very bad topics. There are songs about wanting to be a criminal, about men hurting women or about being irresponsible. Think about it, do you want to be criminal?. Would you want your best friend to be hurt?. Would you be happy if your parents were irresponsible?.

Without you knowing, you may be singing about these things and making it worse!. It is hard, but there are some things you can do:

  • Ask your teacher or parents to translate the song for you. Then you will know what it says.
  • Do not take songs that are disrespectful. Don't be ashamed if you liked it before you knew what it said.
  • Pass the word around. Talk with your friends about songs that talk about good values and things.

And if you really, really like the song, talk to your teacher and change the lyrics!.

These questions are for you

  • If I know a song says something bad I should stay quiet. [Answer]
    No, when we know something is bad we act to make it better.
  • I am not the one who invented the song, so I can sing it even if it says bad things. [Answer]
    No. If we insult someone we are doing something bad, even if we didn't invent the word.
  • Songs abour hurting other people are prohibited. [Answer]
    No, but you can always choose not to listen to them.
  • I must not feel ashamed if I find out a song I like has embarassing lyrics. [Answer]
    Yes, you didn't know but now you do and that makes you a better person.
  • There is no way to make a bad song better. [Answer]
    No, we can change the lyrics, for example.
  • I should share my music with my parents. [Answer]
    Yes, they also listened to music when they were your age.

Pick up a song you like and work with your parents:

  • The name of the song is _____, by _____.
  • The lyrics are about _____.
  • I understand the lyrics are [adequate/not adequate] for my age.
  • My parents are not mad at me that I listened to this song because _______.

We did a very good job today. Let's not forget how we can make things better!
