Unit 4 - Interview with Matthew.

Good afternoon!

This is the interview we listened to yesterday. I added the solution to the hidden words too.

You can download the file here so you can listen at home.

Interviewer: Hello Matthew. Please, introduce yourself.
Matthew: Hi!. My name is Matthew and I am a street musician.
Interviewer: What [noun]
do you play?
Matthew: I play guitar and I sing. I write my own songs but sometimes I play famous [noun]
Interviewer: How long have you been playing?.
Matthew: Well, I studied classical guitar 9 years ago, when I was [number]
years old.
Interviewer: How did you start performing in the [place]
Matthew: I love classical guitar, but I also wanted to write my own lyrics and tell people my stories.
Interviewer: Are you successful?.
Matthew: No. I can't make a fortune like this. I earn enough to pay for food, train tickets and a room.
Interviewer: Have you considered quitting?.
Matthew: No way!. I am travelling around the country and playing for many [noun]
. It's beautiful!.
Interviewer: Thanks a lot Matthew.

What do you think about Matthew's job?
