Unit 4 - Street musicians.

Good afternoon! This is the text we read in class today. I want you to read it again and find the new words. I also put the questions and answers in the end, so you can correct them. Street musicians How do you usually listen to music?. Probably you use Youtube or Spotify, in your computer or mobile phone. Did you know that you can listen to live music on the street?. It's a very interesting thing. Read on if you like music!. On the streets of big cities or around underground stations you can find musicians. Many of them compose their own music and play it every day for the thousands of people that pass every day. They probably play for more people than famous singers!. Street musicians are very varied. You can find a single person singing and playing guitar, rock bands, classical musicians and folk bands. All around the same place. It's a lot more than what you get when you go to a concert. Also, you should know that street musicians must be talented to succe...