Unit 6 - When I grow up...

Good afternoon!

I enjoyed learning about what you want to do when you grow up. To be honest, I am a bit dissapointed that there weren't any astronauts in the classroom but there are doctors and that's allright.

Anyway, here are the questions for today. Remember that the second part you have to do with your family!

These are your options:

  • little
  • scientists
  • grow up
  • succeed

Fill in the gaps and answer the questions:

  • Do more than the half of the children in my class want to be [Answer]
    when they grow up?.
  • Are science and sports fields where only boys can [Answer]
  • When I was [Answer]
    I wanted to be ...
  • When I [Answer]
    grow up
    I will be a ...

Answer the questions with the help of your family:

  • When my parents were little they wanted to be ....
  • Now, my parents are ...
  • My parents want me to be a .... I [agree/disagree] because of ...

What do you think about what children in other countries want to be when they grow up? Are you surprised they don't want to be footballers as much as us?
