Unit 10 - The Pac-Man champion

Good afternoon!

Did you think we would work on video games? No? That's the thing about English: it will always surprise you!

This is the text we read today about the Pac-Man champion and the questions we did in class:

Billy Mitchell was born in the U.S.A. The first video game he played was Donkey-Kong. He liked it so much he decided to become a professional video game player.

Video-game sports didn’t exist in 1977. Billy worked in a kitchen and in the afternoon he played video games at the arcade. One afternoon a new game appeared. The name of the game was Pac-Man.

Billy loved Pac-Man and played every afternoon. He tought it was very exciting!. One day he got a very high score. He wanted to become a professional.

Billy participated in many Pac-Man competitions. In 1999 he got the best score. Nobody had done that before and he felt a lot of joy.

Billy plays many video-games marathons but he also works in his kitchen and has a family.

Answer the questions with "Yes" or "No":

  • Does Billy participate in Soccer tournaments? [Answer]
    No. (He participates in video game tournaments.)
  • Does Billy work in a kitchen? [Answer]
    Yes. (Besides working on video games he also works in a kitchen.)
  • Billy got the highest score in Pac-Man. [Answer]

Answer the questions:

  • What is Billy's favourite game? [Answer]
    Billy's favourite game is Pac-Man.
  • Where as Billy born? [Answer]
    Billy was born in the U.S.A.
  • In which year did Billy get his highest Pac-Man score? [Answer]
    Billy got his highest Pac-Man score in 1999.
