Unit 11 - A new way of looking at tales

p>Good afternoon!

How many stereotypes can you see in the picture above? I will give you a hint: colours can be stereotypes too!

Anyway, we have made great progress today with our final task. As you can see, there are many stereotypes in stories and stereotypes are bad! Fortunately we are going to keep on looking for them and rewriting the stories!

Speaking of writing, here is the exercise we did today:

These are your options:

  • travel
  • search
  • character
  • fortune
  • adventure
  • magic
  • Did Hercules [Answer]
    to Andalusia?. Yes he did!. He separated the Gibraltar Strait.
  • Was does Harry Potter [Answer]
    for in the first book?. The Sorcerer's Stone.
  • The Leprechaun's pot of gold is worth a [Answer]
  • Cloudskipper is a [Answer]
    from an Australian tale.
  • Merlin was a wizard with powerful [Answer]
  • Simbad likes danger and [Answer]

What more stereotypes can you think of? I will give you another hint: they are not only in tales!
