
Showing posts from 2017

Unit 12 - End of the year party!

Good afternoon! Okay, this is the last entry of the year. Did you have fun at the party? I sure did. And everybody loved your final tasks! You are an inspiration for the younger students at school. Anyway, I wanted to tell you this has been an unforgettable year for me. Next year I will not be teaching you, but we will always be friends, okay? Remember our songs!

Unit 12 - Goodbye E-Twinning friends!

Good afternoon! Today we said goodbye to our E-Twinning friends. They have been with us during most of the year and we have shared a lot of things. Best of all, they gave you one last gift: their thoughts about your final tasks!. Most of your ideas are great and they agree. They are asking us to send them the final tasks when done. Do you think we could do that? In any case, some of you exchanged emails. I hope you stay in contact through the years and even meet in person!

Unit 12 - Remember the songs

Good afternoon! Surprise!. Our song is not about films, but about us and what we are going to do next!. The song is not complete without what you are going to do, so give me your contributions and I will put them in the next verses!. Remember the songs What a year we have shared, I cannot believe this is the end. We are going to sing our last song in our class today. Next year you are going to high school, lots of things to learn in there! But your teacher stays in school and he tells you, "don't forget". (Chorus) That above everything we will always be good friends. Remember the songs we're singing and come visit if you have the time! And remember, this is not a sad song, but a happy song!. I will be in school, singing in English to children like you. Can you imagine something better for me?

Unit 12 - What are films telling us?

Good afternoon! Remember the thing we did last unit with the stereotypes? We did it again today. We did two charts about stereotypes in films and discussed it. I liked the one about "tough guys" but the one about princesses is the one you liked the most, so here it is: We reached interesting conclusions when studying the charts and talking about what we and they are going to do. Still on the part of films, remember what we talked about how much time and money does a film cost? There are some exercises for you and your family to do on it. We'll check the answers next session! Answer the questions with your family : We think a film costs around ___ euro to do. A series episode costs ____. Downloading films and series for free from the internet is generally [ legal/illegal ]. Watching films and series for free on the internet in generally [ legal/illegal ]. Copyright is ___. Every single thing [ has/doesn't ] have copyright. Copyright lasts for ...

Unit 12 - Hints for our final taks.

Good afternoon! I wanted to give you a few hints for your final task before our E-Twinning friends answer. As you know, your task is to create a poster for a fictional film and an interview. You can play anyone in the interview: the director, actors or even special effects specialists!. You can watch the Daniel Raddclife video from last session and see how an interview goes. Anyway, make sure to adress these points in your interview: The name of your film: Our film is called "The Magic Camera!" . The genre of your film: It is a fantasy film about a young potographer that finds out her camera is magic! The thing you like the most about your film: What I most like is the character I play. Ellie starts shy, but becomes very brave . The thing you remember the most about working in your film: The outtakes. We laughed at lot! Happy writing!

Unit 12 - Filming in Andalusia and young Daniel Raddclife

Good afternoon! Who knew films had so much weight in Andalusia? You can read the text again and answer the questions to find the answer!. Of course, you may want to read and watch Daniel Radcliffe's interview below. Did you know a lot of films were done in Andalusia?. It's true. It began in 1961, in Almeria, when directors noticed that the deserts of Almeria could be used to do western films. Sure, Almeria looks like American deserts but it also can look like the Sahara, as in Lawrence of Arabia!. In fact, some of the foreign films made in Andalusia are "Cleopatra" or "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade". But it gets better. When shooting in Andalusia the directors would look for extras (people to appear in the film, with no lines) and many locals were offered jobs. Some of them worked in Hollywood later!. Isn't that great?. Of course, some Andalusian and Spanish films are made in Andalusia too. Now that series are the new films, what are...

Unit 12 - Things we are going to do.

Good afternoon! In a few months you are going to go to high school!. But before, you are going to enjoy a great summer. Of course, we are going to study English before. On the other hand, I think I will put the pictures we did today here. Will you remember how to use "going to" and "will" ?

Unit 12 - Let's go watch a film!

Good afternoon! Summer is almost here and with summer there come a lot of films! Our new four friends were getting ready for a night of films but you already know what happened. In case you don't remember, here you have the text we listened to and the questions we worked on. These are Susan, Michael, Terry and Hannah. Like you, they are twelve years old. This weekend they are spending their allowance money in going to the cinema! They are already in the queue but there are many films to choose from and they can't decide!. Susan wants to see 'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them'. "Let's watch that one! We loved all Harry Potter films!". Michael is not so sure. "We are a bit too old for Harry Potter, aren't we?. We are going to watch a horror film!". "Horror film?" says Terry, "You can see that alone if you are too old for Harry Potter! Besides, we are not eighteen yet and they won't let us ...

Unit 11 - Important reminder.

Good afternoon! Next session we will be celebrating World Environment Day! We are doing a recycling workshop during recess and will be doing some activities for parents in the afternoon. I hope you can come!

Unit 11 - E-Twinning tales.

Good afternoon! I just wanted to remind you that I put the tales our E-Twinning peers sent us in the classroom wall. Check them out!

Unit 11 - It makes me so happy I want to sing.

Good afternoon! As with every unit, we cannot forget about our songs!. This song is about stereotypes. It makes me so happy I want to sing Everybody tells me what to be and it doesn't make any sense. I turn the T.V. on and I see that everybody looks the same. I am bored of tough sportsmen. I am bored of supermodel girls. Everybody tells me what to be and it doesn't make any sense. (Chorus) But when I look through my window and I look at every boy and girl, I see what real people looks like, it makes so happy that I want to sing. I am a bit sad. There is only one song left in the year!

Unit 11 - The storyteller visits

Good afternoon! We did two very interesting things today: we got a storyteller to visit us and we reversed a tale. This is the story our storyteller told us: A long time ago, the raven looked down from the sky and saw that the people of the world were living in darkness. The ball of light was kept hidden by a selfish old chief. So the raven turned himself into a leaf and floated on the river where the chief's daughter came for water. She drank the leaf and became pregnant. She gave birth to a boy, who was the raven in disguise. The baby cried and cried until the chief gave him the ball of light to play with. As soon as he had the light, the raven turned back into himself. The raven carried the light into the sky. From then on, we no longer lived in darkness. Of course, there were questions: What was the ball of light?. [Answer] The ball of light was the Sun. Who kept the ball hidden?. [Answer] The selfish old chief. ...

Unit 11 - A new way of looking at tales

p>Good afternoon! How many stereotypes can you see in the picture above? I will give you a hint: colours can be stereotypes too! Anyway, we have made great progress today with our final task. As you can see, there are many stereotypes in stories and stereotypes are bad! Fortunately we are going to keep on looking for them and rewriting the stories! Speaking of writing, here is the exercise we did today: These are your options : travel search character fortune adventure magic Did Hercules [Answer] travel to Andalusia?. Yes he did!. He separated the Gibraltar Strait. Was does Harry Potter [Answer] search for in the first book?. The Sorcerer's Stone. The Leprechaun's pot of gold is worth a [Answer] fortune . Cloudskipper is a [Answer] character from an Australian tale. Merlin was a wizard with powerful [Answer] magic . Simbad likes danger and [Answer] adventure . What mor...

Unit 11 - Australian stories

Good afternoon! Today we looked into secret Australian stories. I wanted to put here the text, the questions and the video , so you can study the new vocabulary. Enjoy! When you were small your parents told you tales before you went to sleep. You enjoyed nice dreams and learned how to be brave. Now you read books and watch films. These adventures teach you new things and make you smarter. Other people have their stories, books and films. But Australian aboriginal people are quite different. They don't have T.V. or books, but they have a lot of perfect stories they tell their children. These stories are called “The Dreamtime”. The Dreamtime stories are very, very old. Children and parents enjoy them and have been telling them for a very long time. When an adult told a story to a child, the child told it to others and everybody learned it. Dreamtime stories are full of magic and wisdom. Their character are hunters, animals and nature. With stories, children learn a...

Unit 11 - Leprechauns!

Good afternoon! Nice practice today. Did you know about the Leprechauns? They are part of Ireland's folklore. As you know, these little people hide pots of gold at the end of the rainbow. What if you could find it? That is part of what we did today! Just in case, I would like to remind you of today's sentences: I travelled to _____ and searched for _____.While I was there I found a Leprechaun and its pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. With the gold I _____. Do you want to know my example? I travelled to Blarney's Castle in Ireland and searched for a place to sleep . While I was there I found a Leprechaun and its pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. With the gold I built a new gym for the school . And now that we are at it. Do you know of any Andalusian creature like the Leprechauns?

Unit 11 - A very special book

Good afternoon! Now that we are so near the end of the course we should think about what we are going to read this summer. That is exactly what Sally did in the text we listened to today!. You can find the questions and answers below, as always. This is Sally. Can you guess what she likes the most?. Adventure! Sally visited a website about adventure films, but she didn't like what she found. She likes good books too, so she went to the bookshop. She visited the 'kids' section. She found books she read when she was quite little. 'I want something more interesting..', she said, 'I can ask the shopkeeper. He will help me'. 'Madam, do you know of any good adventure books please?'. The shopkeeper said to her 'You look like a quite smart girl. Do you know Arabian Nights?. Lots of adventure, mystery and brave characters!'. The book was very large. 'Books I read last summer were smaller and cheaper. This mu...

Unit 10 - Treasure hunt and videocall

Good afternoon! First of all, good job with the treasure hunt!. This one was a bit different but it almost was like playing an adventure video-game, right?. Let us review the solution: Group 1 : This one was easy: just click on all the times the word "a" had to be changed to "but" to open the door. Once you discovered the hidden text it said to tell the password "4235" to your partners and they will give you yours. Arrange the letter they give you and you have "PAC", your password! Match the pictures and texts to obtain the letter "O". Group 2 : Did you recognise the person this text was about? That's right, Billy Mitchell. Did you look in your booklets for a very important date?. Yes, 1999!. You need the password "4235" from group 1. In return you get a letter "A" for them. Fill in the gaps to obtain the letter "V". Group 3 : Why are some words written in red?. Wh...

Unit 10 - Going to the arcades song

Here is the song for this unit! After singing it a couple of times we will not forget how to use "but", right? I put the first half here. The second half is all yours. Will you remind to send it to me so I can put it here? Going to the arcades I can't do my favourite things alone but I than do them with my friends. When we are done with our homework we meet and do many things. I like fun, soccer and games. I like to read books and poems. I like films of adventure and mistery but I don't like the T.V. (Chorus) But above everything I like to spend time with my friends. We like to go to the arcades and we like to play video-games. See you next session!

Unit 10 - A surprise visit!

Good afternoon! Surprise, not one, but two people came to visit today!. I enjoyed all the things they had to tell us... Did you know that making video games was very difficult until very recently? Did you expect that a person would work just in a very particular aspect of a game? I always thought everybody did a little of everything but... Anyway, our friends gave us some good ideas for the decalogue. Why don't we put them to use?

Unit 10 - Fill in the gaps solution and videocall

p>Good afternoon! First, something very important, do not forget that we will get a visit next session!. Our guest is a professional game designer! Remember Yoshiro Kimura? Well, exactly the same job!. Isn't that exciting? We have been writing some questions in class today but if you can come up with more at home it will be great! Second, I am sorry about the connection problems in the videocall. At least we got to ask a few questions. Did you write up the answers? We will need them for the final task! Here is the solution for today's fill in the gaps exercise: These are your options : like but arcade professional scores team Fill in the gaps: I don’t like team sports very much [Answer] but I like board games like chess. Sue is a [Answer] professional video-game player. Do you [Answer] like video-games?. Yes, I do. Billy Mitchell played Pac-Man in the [Answer] arcade . He got really good [Answer]...

Unit 10 - Gaming sports

Good afternoon! We did two interviews today, but there was a catch. We read one and listened to the other!. Here you have the the text, the questions and also the solution to the listening exercise! Sue is a professional video-game player . We interviewed her during a pause in a marathon last Sunday: - Interviewer : Sue, what is your favourite video-game?. - Sue : It is a game called “Planet discovery”. It is about finding trasure. I think it’s beautiful!. - Interviewer : Do you like competitive video-games?. - Sue : I don't like competitive video-games but I like competitive sports. - Interviewer : So you can play sports as well?. - Sue : Yes. I can play soccer, basketball, water polo and specially handball. - Interviewer : What else do you like to do?. - Sue : I like being with my family and my friends but I don’t like being indoors. When I have free time I like to be outdoors. I think it's healthy. - Interviewer : What can you say about your profession?. ...

Unit 10 - Likes and dislikes!.

Good afternoon! Today we reviewed how to say things we like and dislike and how to say things we can and can't do. The new thing is that we learned to connect it all with the word "but"! We are going to be using that a lot!.

Unit 10 - The Pac-Man champion

Good afternoon! Did you think we would work on video games? No? That's the thing about English: it will always surprise you! This is the text we read today about the Pac-Man champion and the questions we did in class: Billy Mitchell was born in the U.S.A. The first video game he played was Donkey-Kong. He liked it so much he decided to become a professional video game player. Video-game sports didn’t exist in 1977. Billy worked in a kitchen and in the afternoon he played video games at the arcade. One afternoon a new game appeared. The name of the game was Pac-Man. Billy loved Pac-Man and played every afternoon. He tought it was very exciting!. One day he got a very high score. He wanted to become a professional. Billy participated in many Pac-Man competitions. In 1999 he got the best score. Nobody had done that before and he felt a lot of joy. Billy plays many video-games marathons but he also works in his kitchen and has a family. Answer the ...

Unit 9 - Table of values and prices for our game!.

Good afternoon! After reading our E-Twinning friends' email we've come up with the final table for the game. Here it is: Object Price Value Description Compulsory Tires 40 1 You need 3 to build a room! Yes Mortar 10 1 You need 3 to build a room! Yes Beams 20 1 You need 2 to build a room! Yes Roof 60 1 You need 1 to build a room! Yes Toilet 200 10 You need 1 to build your house! Yes Kitchen 400 20 You need 1 to build your house! Yes Recycling water system 200 30 You need 1 to build your house! Yes Solar batteries 300 40 You need 1 to build your house! Yes Glass ceiling 60 10 A glass ceiling for your house. No Indoor garden 100 70 You need a recycling water system and a glass ceiling. No Living room furniture 200 100 Nice, made from bamboo wood. No ...

Unit 9 - Living in an Earthship song

Good afternoon! These are the lyrics for the song we did today. I didn't have time to add your second verse. Can you remind it to me?. Living in an Earthship We're filling tires with ground and sand. We're doing some excavation work. We're preparing our indoor garden and everything is on track!. (Chorus) We are living in an Earthship. It is our home, we built it ourselves!. We are living in an Earthship. Why don't you come and take a look around?

Unit 9 - Museum of science

Good afternoon! First off, our riddle this morning... I am red and almost round I inspired the reason why you don't fly about You can smell me, draw me and clean me But you will want to eat me!. After the visit I think we all can agree... an apple !. As for the visit, I am glad you enjoyed it. There has been a lot of science this morning but we can always put a bit of English in anything, can't we?.

Unit 9 - Hints for our games and preparing the outing

Good afternoon! With our practice here we also went over some hints for our final task game . I would like to review them with you: During these days we are going to investigate Earthships and find out what kind of materials we need. With these materials we will make cards. Remember than in our game each material has a price and also a value, which are different things! Feel free to come up with your own materials and furniture for your games. Remember that our E-Twinning friends may give you some cool ideas too! Finally, it is very important that you remember the activity we will be doing next session!. During our visit to the Science Museum I want you to answer these questions in English! What are the three states of water? What are three ways of recycling residue? What is the name of the force that makes a compass work? Also, during the visit we will also do a small treasure hunt. I will tell you about it next session!.

Unit 9 - Building an Earthship!.

Good afternoon! Today we learnt about how to build an Earthship. They are very different from our homes, right? I would like to try living in one. Here is the text we read and the questions . Below you will also find the interview with Mairi. Remember to study the new vocabulary! An Earthship is a house made with natural and recycled materials. Earthships are designed with energy conservation in mind and produce water and electricity for its owners. Earthships can adapt to different climates and they are built all around the world!. Walls of an Earthship are made of recycled tires like the ones in your car. Tires are filled with earth and then used to build thick walls. These walls help keep the house fresh in the summer and warm during winters. An Earthship does not need external support to work. It uses all resources of its surroundings!. Windows are placed so that sunlight heats the house. Electricity is generated by solar panels. The roof collects and filters rainw...

Unit 9 - Prepositions of time and present continuous.

Good afternoon! Today we practised a bit of talking about time. I would like to remind you of the two things we did: First there were these prepositions of time: And then we worked in the present continuous . It is very easy!. We use "to be" and "-ing": These are very important parts of English!. With them you can say a lot of things!.